“If CrunchPanorama was built on Google maps “manually” it would show an endless number of markers that would make the map unreadable. Maptimize is able to address this issue by grouping the markers and providing a clean result that remains accessible at decent speed!”
Real Estate is all about location and until now we hadn't been able to successfully map all 40K+ of our properties. Working with Maptimize has enabled us to provide a user-friendly map-based property search, which greatly increased the productivity of our website”
Maptimize has allowed Munzee to grow from a service of 10 markers to a thriving product that has a clustered map of over 130,000 markers.
We have heavily utilized the Maptimize Javascript API to have custom marker icons for each user and we have allowed users to select grouping distance easily.
Maptimize has great customer service and understands our product and is willing to do do whatever it takes to help us grow the Munzee map.”